Protocol Review and Publication Committee (PRPC)
Elected chair from among committee members or SAC investigators
Elected Vice Chair from among committee members or SAC investigators
4 elected members from the Provincial/Regional Lead or site leads
Registry Chair – UBC Principal Investigator
Ex Officio: Site or Provincial Leads representing provinces not represented by committee members, SAC investigators, Chair or delegate Patient Engagement representatives and Chair of the Data Access and Management Committee
Advisory: UBC legal staff
Membership terms will be two-year in length with the possibility of renewal
To make recommendations for approval of new Registry Studies and non-Registry Studies to the Registry Executive.
To approve all writing groups related to Registry Studies.
Approve all material prior to publication or release (manuscripts, reports, abstracts, media releases) generated by Registry Studies
Prevent overlap of published material and duplication of analyses by identifying overlaps early and encouraging the investigators to work collaboratively where possible.
Inform the Network Investigators and the contributing institutions through media release for any publication, report or presentation
Ensure the Network Investigators and the SAC Investigators contribute as authors to associated manuscripts in compliance with the ICMJE standards.
Ensure the role of Study Team facilitator and Manuscript Writing Group facilitator is shared across participating provinces and sites whenever possible.
Ensure appropriate involvement of Network Investigators and SAC Investigators in all studies and publications, reports, associated media releases and presentations.
Ensure timely high quality publications, reports, associated media releases and presentations.
Ensure the network byline is appropriately used and the contributing sites are acknowledged on all manuscripts, reports, media releases and presentations.
Provide feedback on single site and non-Registry study publications, reports, associated media releases and presentations and ensure the content about the Registry Study Protocol, the Network Registry Data acknowledgment and the byline are appropriate.
Ensure multidisciplinary and creative use of the Network Data and resources.
Ensure compliance with the open access framework for COVID-19
Maintain a bibliography of studies and manuscripts for the network
Recommendations to Registry Executive Committee on New Registry Studies and Non-Registry Studies for approval. (Study Protocol template)
Review and approval of all proposed writing groups and publications, reports, media releases and presentations pertaining to Registry Studies that arise from these writing groups. (Writing Group template)
Review and providing feedback on manuscripts, reports, media releases and presentations prior to publication or release arising from Non-Registry Studies and Single Site Studies
Maintaining a bibliography of all studies and all publications for the network.
All votes require a minimum quorum of five (5) committee members. In the absence of quorum, decisions are to be circulated electronically to Committee membership via email with option to revisit decisions, as required. Voting may occur via email.
Members must avoid potential conflicts of interest that may arise from financial ties to any commercial concerns likely to be affected by the outcome of the study, or the appearance of a conflict of interest such as a professional or other affiliation that could cause others to question the objectivity of their deliberations.
Members should recuse from the vote if they are the lead study investigator or writing group facilitator